Paintbrushes with colorful watercolor splashes and a brain illustration.

Info sessions and trainings are appropriate for any groups of community members or service workers who are interested in learning more about the connection between creativity and healing, and how to incorporate the arts into their personal and professional practice. An info session is different than a workshop in that it is more of a lecture-based presentation and conversation, with the main goal of educating rather than creating art. Art & Soul Clinic can contribute to professional development events, community panels, lectures, school presentations, social justice initiatives and more.

Attendees will learn some foundational concepts of expressive arts therapy and discover the answers to questions such as:

  • What is expressive arts therapy? Who is it for?

  • How can the arts be used as a healing practice for individuals and communities?

  • In what ways is expressive arts therapy a trauma informed practice?

  • What are some techniques I can use in my daily life and share with my ____ (clients, students, staff, family members, friends)

Colorful paint splash background with "Info Session" text in white.