Tarot & Lotería
Lotería is a folkloric game of chance introduced into Mexico in 1887. It is played like a game of American Bingo. The Bingo board and the Lotería tabla look quite similar:
From Teresa Villegas (source). This artist created a modern version of the Lotería cards, kind of like the Modern Witch tarot deck with updated imagery that is inclusive and relevant.
I have enjoyed playing Lotería with friends, family, and students over the years because it is simple to play and the colorful imagery is so nostalgic and aesthetically pleasing. Once I started practicing tarot, I realized that the imagery on the deck of cards from the classic Don Clemente Gallo Lotería deck bears a striking resemblance to that on the Rider Waite Smith deck of tarot cards. Both contain archetypal images, religious motifs, elements of nature, numbers, and text. I learned that Lotería cards can be used as a form of divination or to do readings with just like tarot. The numbers of the Lotería deck do not match up with the tarot and are purportedly “random,” simply used for standardizing the illustrations for printing.
For this exploration, I looked through both decks and set aside cards that were strongly associated with each other based on symbols, text, or card meanings (for example, the el sol tarot card corresponds with the el sol Lotería card, though not all associations are as straight forward). I also looked up possible meanings of the Lotería cards where I discovered Garth Tardy’s (2019) work. He includes short lines of wisdom for each card that I found to be quite profound (source). Poet Esteban Rodríguez also created a collection of poetry based on the Lotería game, telling the story behind each of the cards (source).
Below are the pairings that I created based on my personal interpretation of both decks. Some of the card meanings do not align with Tardy’s interpretations of the Lotería cards, and some associations may even feel like a stretch, but I followed my intuition. For example, Tardy’s interpretation for la araña (the spider) emphasizes the need to “take immediate action to resolve an issue” and el colgado (the hanged man) encourages the opposite - suspend action before making a move. I see the spider as a patient and strategic creature, creating the means to collect her prey in the web.
The larger cards on the left side are the tarot and the smaller cards on the right are from the Lotería game.
(Nature-Based Cards)
El sol (XIX) // El sol (46)
La cobija de los pobres.
The roof of the poor.
The sun means YES! Brightening up the day, Something positive.
La luna (XVIII) // La luna (23)
La farol de enamorados.
The lantern of lovers.
Strong instinctual emotions. Shadow work & illumination.
La estrella (XVII) // La estrella (35)
La guia de los marineros.
The guide of sailors.
HOPE. Having faith in the universe.
El mundo (XXI) y el X de bastos // El mundo (37)
Este mundo es una bola y nosotros un bolon.
The world is a sphere and we the foundation.
The Ten of Wands card is added to this pairing - the body language of both figures is similar, signifying a heavy responsibility
V de espadas // El alacran (40)
El que con la cola pica.
He that bites with his tail.
The scorpion’s sting can be a silent sneaky attack. A ruthless win. Betrayal.
El loco (0) // El venado (45)
El venado no ve nada.
The deer doesn't see anything.
Naïve or unaware. Innocent. Adventurous. Gentle.
VII de bastos // El nopal (39)
Al que todos van a ver cuando tiene que comer.
To which all go when they have to eat.
Prickly defense - required for survival. Stand your ground. Resilience. Protection.
El colgado (XII) // La araña (33)
Atarmatamela a palos, no me la dejes hegar.
Stun it with blows, just don't let her get me.
The hanging man and the spider are both suspended in the air, waiting with patience to make the next move.
VI de copas // La rosa (41)
Rosita, Rosaura ven que te ahora quiero.
Rosita, Rosaure, come, as I want you here now.
Desire and beauty. Chivalry. Nostalgia. An offering.
(Person-Centered Cards)
IX de oros (9) // La chalupa (48)
Rema que rema va Lupita, sentada en su chalupita.
Lupita paddles as she may, sitting in her little boat.
Enjoying the finer things in life. Abundance. Luxurious. Taking one’s time.
Reina de bastos // La sirena (6)
Con los cantos de sirena no te vayas marear.
Don't get dizzy with the mermaid's song.
Charming. Alluring. Irresistible. Lovely. Fertile with ideas.
Cabello de copas // El catrin (4)
Don Ferruco en la Alameda, su baston queria tirar.
Sir Ferruco in the walk, wanted to toss his cane.
Charming. Well mannered. Good impressions. Attractive.
Rey de bastos // El músico (32)
El musico trompa de hule, ya no me quiere tocar.
The musician oiled his horn, but now he doesn't want to play for me.
Creative. Charismatic. Bold. Passionate. Egotistical.
Caballo de espadas // El soldado (34)
Uno, dos y tres, el soldado p'al cuartel.
One, two and three, the soldier goes to the barracks.
Steadfast. Warrior. FIGHT!
V de oros // El borracho (23)
A qué borracho tan necio ya no lo puedo aguantar.
What a stupid drunk, I can't take it anymore.
Suffering. Poverty. Escapism.
El mago (I) // La mano (21)
La mano de un crimnal.
The hand of a criminal.
Manifestation. Transformation. Illusion. Deception.
El emperador (IV) // La corona (47)
El sombrero de los reyes.
The hat of kings.
Authority. Power. Dignity. Corruption.
La emperatriz (III) // La dama (3)
Note: Notice how both cards are labeled with the number three! Why do you think that is? Does the number three have a specific significance connected with the feminine archetype?
La dama puliendo el paso, por todo la calle real.
The lady polishes as she steps, all along the royal street.
Grace. Elegance. Dignity. Feminine power.
La fuerza (VIII) // El apache (38) // El arbol (10)
Note: The apache card could be viewed as offensive and racially oppressive in its original meaning. Therefore, I include it in this correspondence to recast el apache in a more accurate light.
El que a buen árbol se arrima buena sombra le cobija.
He who seeks the shelter of a tree covers himself with good shade.
Fortitude. Composed. Adaptable. Wisdom.
Lotería card meanings: https://www.worlddivinationassociation.com/mexican-loteria
Rider Waite Smith tarot deck: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rider%E2%80%93Waite_Tarot
Modern Witch tarot deck by Lisa Sterle: https://www.lisasterle.com/mwt
Poetry by Esteban Rodríguez : https://www.poetryfoundation.org/books/reviews/161382/loteria